Zine Review: The Acronym “VGL” is body fascism

ZINES_The Acronym VGLZINES_The Acronym VGLZINES_The Acronym VGL

Zine, Eric Levitt, 8 pages, Gay 4 Pay Press, [email protected] 

VGL is an acronym associated with certain bodies on cruising sites for gay dudes. GL, or “Good Looking,” is an online descriptor loaded with meaning and implications. In this brief essay Levitt attempts to unpack this and elucidate its implications vis-à-vis body shaming, attraction, agency, objectification, and the propagation of gender as binary. While thoughtful and smart, Acronym comes off a little light on content. I kept thinking to myself, if you were going to make a zine about body fascism, why would you not incorporate images to highlight your point? Especially in zine form! However, I get the sense this was designed as something to hand out for free at an event or a zine fair, and in that sense, it’s a perfectly fine project. (Chris Landry)