The BP Fall Bundle Sale is On Now

OVERSTOCK SALE!!! EVERYTHING MUST GO! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! *ORDER NOW* Biggest Bundle Sale Ever is Here For Only $17.99  Limited […]

Call for Submissions: Urban Legends

Overview “Urban Legends” is a compilation zine about urban legends, local myths, and folklore. Share your writing or art that’s […]

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Message in a Tin

Like so many worthwhile but unlikely projects, the idea for Cigar-Tin Stories, “came from something obsessive.” Kingston author and painter […]

Book Bombing

The Philadephia-based public installation project Book Bombs started when printmaker Michelle Wilson wrote a note to her friend Mary Tasillo […]

Editor’s Note

So far, 2011 has been an exhausting but exciting year for Broken Pencil. We started the year with our 50th […]

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