Remember the joy, the bliss of having someone kiss you and try to guess what flavour lip gloss you are wearing and then, having to write it all down in your secret diary so that no one would ever know? Kyla Sweet has edited the diary of her friend Shauna, a real live girl who played a lot of Truth or Dare back in the late 70s. This book features artwork from the original diary, symbols summarizing the girl’s day – from Mixed-up and Terrible, to Love, Love, Love – and a pretty wooden cover giving it all a touch of authentic west coast small town. Shauna’s diary is a pure vintage gem: roller-boogie, pinball and paper routes, Charlie’s Angels trading cards, and 400 boys to choose from. This chapbook is the equivalent of a good chick-flick. Certainly this diary is not for everyone, but to those of you who were once a Shauna, or knew one well: pour yourself a glass of wine, put on your favourite bunny slippers, sit back, and enjoy. Pass it on. (Andrée Lachapelle)
perzine, Kyla Sweet, $7 + $3 shipping, Two-Star Press, 1125 Pacific Drive, Delta BC, V4M 2K2