A Danger To Themselves and other mini comics
I am forever a lover of, fan of, inspired by female-inked-comics, autobiographical-collected-stories and MOMENTS. Give em to me! All the bad and good. I want to know your stories and I want to see your pictures. I used to spend a lot of time looking for them and should start again. . Her stories have the feeling of pocketed insights. It’s as though she’s taken notes along the way and decided to make them the size they feel. I really dig. The best part: they are about the size of a change purse (please note: good for the distroboto) and fold in what seems like a very thought-out way with little arrows for direction. What a delightfully refreshing choice of form! I like her lines too, there are a lot of them and a certain authenticity that isn’t too sharp, but rather round and warm like her voice. Stories include: Knoggin Knowledge (bike sans helmet), A Danger to Themselves, Lessons in Economic Geology, Rolling Man (the best! this guy just starts rolling down the street while she heads to school, very “stop, i just have to do this”) and Walking to Russia gave me the feeling my friend kt gives me when she tells me stories about her grandma! I am enchanted and immediately want more. (laura mcCoy)