This is an awesome zine! It’s obvious that a lot of work went into putting this thing together – each page is loaded with black and white visuals and text. The result is a totally entertaining read. I’m assuming ad hominim (misspelled, but their motto is “because the revolution will not be spell checked”) refers to its translation from latin, meaning “directed to the man” because the zine definitely helps give a leg up to anti-conformist notions. Truth is, I got the feeling that these guys were just being themselves. Focusing mainly on the punk music scene, the zine’s made up of interviews, CD reviews, comics, general interest articles and even letters from The Gap, responding to the editor’s inquiries into the use of forced/child labour. Each piece, no matter how satirical, is well-written and appears to be carefully thought-out. The bulk of the zine is written by the Editor in Chief/CEO (as he calls himself) Nate Dogg. Not only does he conduct the interviews himself, such as “7 (E-mailed) Questions With Fugazi’s Ian MacKaye,” but he also writes about more unexpected topics, such as how to give yourself a coffee enema and suicide websites. Weird yes, but his personality comes out through damn good writing and overt sarcasm. It also helps that Dogg is backed by a solid team of contributors, like Shannon Wheeler, the author of “Too Much Coffee Man” comics, and Big Daddy Dave, who writes music reviews. I hope the next issue comes out soon, ’cause I’ll definitely check it out. (Heather Ball)