Agree to Disagree

Well, it’s about time someone started putting out a newsprint guide to skateboarding, punk rock and DIY issues! Actually I’m making a little joke, even though there is a kernel of truth to that statement. “Agree to Disagree” is, as mentioned, one of a multitude of youth-run self-published zines devoted to punk bands, 12 inch singles and skateboarding culture. Nothing here you can’t find in such publications as “Maximumrockandroll” (all the way down to the cut-and-paste column banners), but isn’t that what the charm of zines is all about? As is typical of this type of publication, you have to be a real fan of punk to enjoy “A2D,” as the vast majority of its contents are dedicated to band interviews and record reviews. But hey, if you are a fan you can’t really go wrong with this smart, tight zine. A reserved recommendation (only for those who are into the scene). (JP)

Zine, #7.1, no price listed, 36 pages, PO Box 56057, 1st Ave Postal Outlet, Vancouver BC V5L 5E2, [email protected],

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