Though grievously overpriced, this is one of the most deep-thinking and rigorous magazines for those of the eco-persuasion. In this issue, they work together with the Environmental Studies Association of Canada to explain subjects from the demise of Ontario conservation authorities, green taxation, and “Ecopsychology – Therapy for a dysfunctional society.” I’m intrigued by the idea that psychology could have connections to something beyond the mind – feminist psychology, the psychology of racism – and how understanding social neurosis may help us heal ourselves. Well, here’s another angle on why we’re all so goddamn miserable all the goddamn time.
magazine / July/August 1996, V.22, #3, 36 pp. / Robert Gibson, Editor / $6.25 / Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3G1 /