This is some kind of outlet for the band Daddys of Eden, but what kind, I don’t know. The most recent issue includes a DoE flexidisc but I have no turntable, having sold it during the last revolution and being too poor during the current one to recant. If I had a turntable, I would put this zine on it, hang from my toes above the rec-room table and read while both the zine and I rotated. I suspect I would then get the joke, or the insight, or whatever it is I am supposed to get.
zine / #2, 3, Spring, Fall ’95, 32 pages / Publisher: G. McPeek/Daddys of Eden / Main creators: gIRL, G. McPeek, T. McGregor / free “for now” / PO Box 43147, 325 Central Parkway W., Mississauga, ON, L5B 3X0