
An interesting twist on the anti-society zine, Bloodletting seems to be halfway towards saying something almost positive about life. There is an article on how bad America is that ends with the familiar ‘proud to be Canadian’ refrain. The poem by J entitled “why tv smells” goes so far as to suggest that if you didn’t spend all your time watching tv you could actually do something. The zine ends with a fairly uninspired buncha pages on getting a job. The snazzy terms for resume use (gas pump boy/girl — petroleum flow coordinator) are tongue-in-cheek, but you could also imagine some poor sap using them to pad out their dismal past. A mixture of optimistic cynicism and the same old thing.

zine / #4 / main creator: liberti (?) / free? / 599B Yonge St., PO Box 320, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 1Z4



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