
The letter that comes with this zine promises to bring us up to date with the new forbidden zone that is Ottawa, a place often ignored by the pop culture pundits, despite the fact that it is a “sensation of music, drink, drugs and friendship.” Needless to say, I was anxious to find out what I could about this burgeoning new centre of underground culture. Unfortunately, Bones, the fanzine put out by the band Photo Perfume, doesn’t seem to mention Ottawa at all. Fake ads, pet peeves, lists (they’re big on lists), pics and a few miscellaneous rants but nothing that relates to the Ottawa scene, or lack thereof. So, okay, this isn’t a terrible read, though I wouldn’t particularly go out of my way to recomend it or anything. (HN)

zine, #15 / main creator: photo perfume / $? / c/o Golden, 1159 Minnetonka Rd., Ottawa, ON, K2C 2T8

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