Brand-X Media
Mark doesn’t grace us with an intro on this one, he lets it rip right from the start. The first topic he gets into is Christianity. Zine opener or what? No filler! Other writers for the zine let us into the world of sXe, the portrayals of heterosexuals versus the portrayals of homosexuals, drinking in social situations etc.. And absolutely none of it is self-righteous. It’s for you to read if you choose to, and that’s the bottom line. But it’s not all seriousness. There are a few movie picks and critiques, a couple poems to soften the mood. All in all a good ziney read. (ME)
zine, #1, 18 pgs, $1 ppd/50 cents + stamp/trades, Mark Kerrigan, RR#1, Alvinston, ON, N0N 1A0.