There’s that old saying that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. This zine doesn’t seem to observe that rule, instead opting for 26 pages of NOT-niceness. So, in the spirit of this zine, I’ll opine that I haven’t seen anything this adolescent since- well, since I was an adolescent. Particularly off-putting was a Kafka-esque short story in which the male protagonist wakes up one morning equipped with a vagina. The ensuing paragraphs appear to owe a strong debt to “Penthouse Letters” and it’s literary ilk. If you can stay with it long enough, the references become positively Sadean, complete with hedonistic orgies and a proposal to sew the vagina shut. The faux-Twilight Zone ending does not come soon enough. You gotta read this piece to believe it. Needless to say, I don’t get this guy and his uber-punk posturing. Of course, that coming from a card-carrying square like myself is probably the best compliment he could hope for. (Jon Sasaki)