Canadian Magazine Catalogue 1996

This is the biggest and best Canadian Magazine Catalogue yet. There are over 250 magazines listed in this promotional vehicle for Canadian magazines. This is not only an invaluable (if completely uncritical) resource, but also a testimony to the collective energy put into periodical publishing across this country. It’s wild to breeze through this magazine and realize the incredible range of Canadian periodicals that are all struggling for attention in a market dominated by boring US crap. I don’t care who you are there is a magazine that serves your interests being published right here in this country and you should be checking it out. By the way, there’s a lot of funny stuff in here: Horsepower magazine — the magazine for young horse lovers, Bluegrass Canada — Canada’s only national bluegrass publication, Arctic, the multidisciplinary Journal of Circumpolar Research are just the beginning of the good times.

magazine / 61 pages / publisher: The Canadian Magazine Publishing Association / main creator: those wacky magazine association types / $5 / Canadian Magazine Publishers Association, 130 Spadina Ave. Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L4


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