Comic Review: Colin Cthulhu

Colin Cthulhu

Comic, Colin Upton (creator), 20 pages,, $0.75


colin-cthulu-camIn a dystopian future (or just a future), some creepy creature emerges from the sea and a bunch of concerned humans try to kick its ass SO HARD.

That’s the basic gist of Colin Cthulhu, a neat little comic and a fresh take on the plight of Cthulhu, a cosmic entity created by H.P. Lovecraft in the early-ish 1900s. I’ll save any more exposition in hopes that you send away for the comic. In lieu, I’ll praise creator Colin Upton for releasing a short story that delves into the complexity of this creature and specifically, examines the role of media and perception in the ways that we as humans react to things. excerpt_colin-cthulu

The artwork is pretty fun as well. Its not overly detailed but does move the narrative along and captures the chaos through short strokes and dank, dark imagery. Unlike other sympathetic monster tales, Upton doesnt really paint the Cthulhu out to be a victim or an outsider. It goes about its business. Humans react. The Cthulhu reacts. Rinse and repeat. One could even argue that in spite of the artillery that is sprung upon readers, any shock and awe is more a backdrop for a simpler narrative: one spun on traits and a few tropes that aren’t very alien and are very much human. (Cam Gordon)