Now this is a site for that paranoid love one.
Scrolling past the endless high-res aerial shots of power plants, secret bases and political figure’s homes, I was convinced I must have been breaking some incarnation of the Patriot Act (despite Canadian roots). Eyeball-series is a photo-blog of sorts. But, instead of nurturing some sublime moment of every-day life, Eyeball supplies the chum for a good conspiracy theory. The page is literally a bare-bones listing of different events, places or people that have been ‘eyeballed’ (never has the term appeared so threatening) or photographed with a high-res, satellite image system. Featured are such locations as the Gitmo Detainee facility, the Russian embassy in D.C. and the C.I.A. office of Black Technology. Hell, even Bill Gates’ Chinese whorehouse has a page with plenty of nice big pics. Whether featuring an historical event or just showcasing some top-secret base, each photo-page carries captions to provide some context. The photos themselves are kinda staggering — huge, high-res images that don’t seem to discriminate between some mundane detail from a building and the exposition of some C.I.A. base-camp. Ever want to feel like you’re in a Harrison Ford political thriller? Here’s your chance! by extension is the brains behind what is ‘eyeballed’. There is another daily photo section as well as a regularly updated, politically-minded blog. Apparently the blog has been in operation since 1996. It shows. The stripped down décor of the site adds to the sense of infiltration one soaks up when reading about freedom-infringing incidents or tech-savy anarchists’ new projects. This site is definitely an activity to draw you away from the world.
If after reviewing this site the BP offices suddenly come under surveillance, give your new ezine editor a warm welcome! And don’t forget the last one. (James King),