Delete is short and sweet. Which is OK. There’s something to be said for brevity, which Delete possesses in spades. At a mere 24 pages, this arty zine combines photography, graphic art and poetry to present a package that doesn’t exactly speak for itself. Flesh and Bone is the theme and every morsel contained within seem ripped from the corpse, either literally or metaphorically. The parallels end there as each of the dozen plus contributors brings something new and skewed to the table. There’s a filthy little nibblet called Chicken Skin that is bound to make you squirm and some male frontal nudity will test your heterosexuality (or lack thereof). I’m going in circles here so my best advice is to shell out a couple of bucks for Delete if you tend to have an appreciation for any of the above. And otherwise, don’t. (Cameron Gordon)
31 Foxbar Road Toronto, Ontario M4V 2G5