This zine is a window into the consciousness of its creator, Shy Spy, who doesn’t seem all that shy when it comes to revealing her life philosophies. Packed with poetry, music and zine reviews, personal articles and plain ol’ random thoughts, you have to appreciate the amount of work that went into putting this thing together. The pictures, some hand-drawn and some photographs, are all different and make it fun to read. The approach is casual and relaxed, so it reminds me of getting to know a new friend. A self-proclaimed “broke-ass hippie,” the creator includes a page about her dreadlocks, a list of things she would like to accomplish and a four-page piece on the meaning of truth. If you can’t stand a mixture of tree-huggin’-thoreau-buddha-optimism, I don’t recommend this zine. Personally, I enjoyed it, but some of the “search for truth” stuff was a bit too saccharine. So, if you’re at all into bohemian spirituality, I think this would be a good one to pick up. (Heather Ball)
zine, #3, Shy Spy, 49 pages, $2 or trade, P.O. Box #34 Robson, BC V0G 1X0, [email protected]