This is a good little zine, despite the fact that creator says at the very beginning that she’s “suffering from inertia.” I’d like to see what she’d produced if that wasn’t the case. This here pub is packed with juice. Victoria correspondent Lyndsay debunks the porn industry in her interview with Pendra the sex astrologer. An informative excerpt from the zine “DIY sex toys” by Sarit from the UK teaches readers how to build their own strap-on?!? As if that’s not enough, there’s lesbian dating advice from local Winnipeg performance artists Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Milan, step-by-step instructions on mixing the “ultimate girly drink” called the Bloody Crotch. This zine is an excellent source of support, no doubt about it. (Emily Pohl-Weary)
zine, #2, $2, Box 2415, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4A7