
From my living room thousands of kms from Vancouver, I am persuaded that this is Vancouver’s music magazine. Not only that, but Vancouver’s local music cheering squad. Besides a review of Jale’s show and some other travellers, this mag really does tout its own. In fact, if you want to know what Mint’s new releases are, you’ll probably hear it here first, or if you want to know who’s who in Vancouver punk, check this out. Now, since I have no clue whether they actually know what they are talking about I can’t tell you. However, I can assure you that they’re talking, and that both the writing and the layout give me faith that they at least know a thing or two, and maybe more.

magazine / June 1996 / main creator: Rodney Gitzel / publisher: Drop-D Digital Publishing Inc., / $2? outside of Vancouver, free in Van or the net: dropd.com / #108, 2496 E. Hastings St, Vancouver, BC, V5K 1Z1

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