The Edmonton Social Justice, Activists Contact & Resource Handbook (a.k.a. Radical Randy’s Resources) is exactly what it sounds like: lists upon lists broken up by short essays on globalism, neoliberalism and other political agendas. The essays are brief and inflaming, and while that’s what you’d expect from a zine like this, it’s a thorough and invigorating little book. This is essential reading for any activist living in the Edmonton area, and while I’m always wary of the lack of self-criticism or self-awareness polemical zines like this seem to have, Randy definitely knows his market. I found the guide to free trade acronyms especially useful. A word of warning: if you are at all susceptible to the siren call of righteous shitdisturbing, reading Radical Randy’s Resources might make you want to actually go out and do something. Even my shriveled black heart was occasionally moved. (J. Blackmore)
resource handbook, Radical Randy, issue 4, $2, Edmonton Small Press Association, P.O. Box 75086 RPO, Edmonton, AB, TE 6K1, [email protected];