It’s not very fat, it’s totally messy, and the grammar is bad. It’s also one of the most exciting new zines I’ve seen in a while. The angle here is acoustic hardcore punk music. Publisher and musician Johnny Sizzle lacks the requisite people skills for squeegeeing and panhandling, so he’s picked up an acoustic guitar and brought punk to the streets. He’s now writing a fanzine about his experiences, with some of his own gig reviews, and tips for others. In that spirit, the main feature is a story about J. J. Allin, a like_minded ex_con taking to stages uninvited and performing G. G. Allin songs acoustically. This is where the revolution starts. (DF)
#2, 20 pgs, trade or stamps, editor Johnny Sizzle, Box 1221 King Str. West #5, Toronto, ON M6K 1G4,