Emily’s written an abortion narrative from conception to post-abortion, walking you through both sorting things out for herself, and trying to sort things out emotionally and financially with her partner, in the midst of a family summer vacation. This is a ragged narrative, with the author torn between gleeful “everything’s fucking fine!” and terrified “everything’s falling apart!” Trauma writing can be really cathartic to produce, but the intensity of what you’re experiencing might not transcend the moment and connect with a larger audience without some serious editing. While Emily indicates at the beginning of the zine that she’s left things unedited because when she “tried to fix it up, it stopped making sense,” the journalstyle narrative doesn’t hold up very well as anything beyond a historical record. (Sarah Pinder)
perzine, Emily (hank dewees), $2, 13649 Brynwood Ln, Ft Myers, FL, 33912, USA, emilysrad@gmail.com