great day for up

Don’t let the title fool you: this is the “hate us” issue. They’re sick and tired of all the “we love you” shit they’ve been hearing over the years. Enough! they cry, send us some hate mail. Hate us. Well, since generally our reviews of this zine have contributed to that positive shit they’re sick of, we want to help out now: We hate you, you suck. This zine rots. We didn’t even read it and we hated it. Okay, we read parts of it, and I swear we hated what we read. We hate you so much, we can’t wait to hate the next issue too.

zine / #9 / publisher: molly ann stella ohan’s banking fun / main creators: josi and lucie / $2 or trade / #19 10325 156 St., Edmonton, AB, T5P 2R4


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