Does anyone else remember the issue of Red Alert zine, which ages ago had a great spread on toxic tampons, complete with a make-your-own-maxi-pad pattern? Well, if you missed that, this glossy ‘women’s news and feminist views’ magazine picks up the ball in the Fall/99 issue. Another piece dishes up the horror of gender apartheid in the ‘new’ Afghanistan, which really is just astonishing. There’s an interview with Dionne Brand, reviews of books and music. But my favorite part of this mag is always the NellieGram section which has tons of news shorts and updates of worldwide actions and reactions relevant to women’s issues. I know, you’re thinking ‘that’s sort of a lackluster, minimalist review, is that it?’ Well, yes actually, they are at Volume 13 after all, and I’m gonna conserve my hurrahs for stuff nobody’s heard of yet. (HC)