I had originally prepared a somewhat thoughtful, short and concise review for Interesting Anthills, but I read it over and scrapped it because I don’t think it properly communicated what IA is all about. Remember being in high school, and going to the park late at night with an old boombox and listen to Pavement and Guided by Voices and the Pixies and maybe a little bit of Built to Spill? Maybe you never did that, but this zine will make you reminisce for those days. And I mean that in the best way possible. Maybe you’re a free-jazz loving party-throwing hepcat who wouldn’t go on a road trip in a million years. This zine will have you remembering how great it is to travel a long distance just to go somewhere, never mind if you have a specific reason for going. What I’m trying to say is that this zine is fantastic: well written and genuine, with a really strong authorial voice. Nothing is held back, whether it be the pre-trip jitters our narrator gets before she leaves or the many tangents into her personal life. The bare layout (handwriting on white backgrounds) brings forward the feeling put into this zine. Sorry if that sounds lame. To kick a little Radiohead science your way, everything is in its right place here. Well worth the buck. (Anthony Gerace)
perzine, #1/#2, 16 pgs., Carolyn Shaffer, $1. General Delivery, Lasqueti, BC, V0R 2J0