it’ll happen

it’ll happen

How do you describe a photo-intensive zine that has just robbed you of your breath? *Insert sharp-exhale noise here* Words will forever work against me when attempting to capture art, so I’m going to steal the creator’s: it’ll happen is 11 pages of artistic babble that photographers Ariel and Becky spew out every two weeks. It’s a medley of mediums, to say the least. There’s a pinch of photography, put with a few ink drawings and topped with a wee bit of collage. Sometimes the mediums mix. Sometimes the artists are mixed, too. You see, it’ll happen is always looking for contributors, and although there’s only 11 pages or so to work with, every issue has an artistic diversity that is awe-inspiring. This zine was born out of the desire within Ariel and Becky to put their photography degrees to use, and I’d say they definitely have the right picture. (Amy Greenwood) 562 Vincent Ave., Victoria, BC, V9A 2G9