Why does Broken Pencil love Jay the Blind Jaywalker so much? How the fuck should I know? This is a bad comic strip in its purest form: terrible artwork, stupid gags, potty humour for the sake of potty humour, no sympathy for the characters, unfunny… I can go on, believe me. What we have here is a series of strips in which Jay gets killed in some way or other while trying to cross the street. There’s a reason you’ll never see this in a newspaper, kids (and no, it isn’t because creator Michael Hind is “indie as fuck”.) I’m sorry. This is a pretty mean review, but honestly, when there’s a strip called “Jay meets Buddy Holly”, and has the last strip as a picture of a plane crashing, I can’t get into it. (Anthony Gerace)
comic zine, #2, 72 pgs, $3, Michael Hind, 9-385 Edward-Charles, Montreal, QC, H2V 2N1