Laundry basket: Tales of Washday Woes

I really like the idea behind this zine… I mean it’s a good idea to write about stuff related to laundry and Laundromats. Something that everybody is forced to do from time to time and a place where people are trapped together whether they like it or not; as Michel writes in the introduction: “… the Laundromat is such a communal experience – no one really wants to be here, but we’re all stuck here, at least for an hour or two.” So like I said the idea is pretty good but the content is so-so. I mean it’s sort of like when you go to the Laundromat and decide to spend the extra $1.75 to use the big machines that are suppose to be more gentle on your clothing and quickly realize that it does the same thing as the small machine except that a load takes twice as long to finish. So I guess you can say that Laundry Basket is kind of a let down. The publication is organized in entries from various people who reveal stories related to laundry experiences they have had over the years. Some of it was ok, like “Stupid bitch Indeed” and “Coda.” Over all a little boring, a little stale but then again what can you expect, it’s about Laundromats after all. (Audrey Gagnon)

laundry zine, 31 pages, $1 or trade, A.J Michel, Station A, PO BOX 2574, Champaign IL, 61825 – 2574,