Little blue world
Any Tori Amos fans out there? If so, you should have your nose in Little Blue World, a professionally-printed fanzine based out of St. Louis that is wholly dedicated to the singer/songwriter. Published quarterly, the zine is produced by and for “Toriphiles”? (i.e. people who have a passion for Tori that is greater than hers for wigs). Its 19 pages are chocked full of information ranging from interviews to news to album reviews. The more intimate Tori is revealed in the lighter pieces about her favourite beverages or experiences on the roads. In other words, Little Blue World is a tossed salad of Tori with articles touching upon the professional, personal and political. This, coupled with solid writing and a clean layout makes Little Blue World a very impressive and enjoyable fanzine. (Amy Greenwood) P.O. Box 2162, Saint Louis, MO 63158-2162, USA