zine review:
Loserdom #19
This Irish DIY punk zine’s continuing success is likely a product of its creators’ tireless cheer, as well as their ability to join together seemingly unrelated topics naturally. Loserdom #19 is no exception, effortlessly tying together topics as diverse as Anto’s trip to Vancouver, issues of immigrant populations in Ireland, how foxes have adapted to urban environments, bike gear and the Galway punk scene. Loserdom’s best quality, however, is its voice: Anto and Eugene write to their audience as trusted friends, rather than faceless readers. Reading of Anto’s exploration of East Hastings, the unfortunate cycling injury of his host, and his experience of being a best man at a friend’s wedding, one feels as if they’re reading the letter of an adventurous cohort. Loserdom’s mix-and-match of text, comics and photos further brings out its charming personality–a friendly, smart ode to DIY culture. (Clara Lavery)
zine, Anto and Eugene, 3 Crestfield, Youghol, Co. Cork Ireland, [email protected]