Fae writes in long skinny paragraphs and, at first, you think that she’s working in poetry, but when you start reading, you realize that Fae is actually ranting about her life and though she can be, on the occasion, poetic, her relationship to her text is in no way metaphorical or constructed. So what does Fae rant about? Quitting school, and how she’s having a hard time adjusting. What she should do with her life. A failing relationship. There are compelling moments in this zine, but some of Fae’s observations are a little too self-serving: “I could go to university and get a degree for the sake of having a degree, and then I could move to the suburbs and get a real job if I wanted to. But I wouldn’t be happy.” The fact is, I’d rather hear about what Fae is doing rather then what she’s not going to do. Fae tends to want to make her life more grandiose and poetic then, perhaps, it really is. Still, I think this is a zine with promise. (HN)
zine, #1, Fae, $2, 37 Alexandria Cresc., Brampton, ON, L6T 1N2