Any single comic that starts off with the line, “Hey, do you guys remember that time I punched Christ?” is destined to be an instant classic. Okay, so maybe only a classic among dickhead war mongers like me, but seriously, this comic has some great stuff. The cover is a full colour, pressboard combination showing that the creators know what they are doing. Rarely do I find comics out there that I would be willing to pay for, but this is definitely an exception, even at the high price of $5 + postage. One full length page features a dizzying collage with a barely shaved Waldo (from Where’s Waldo fame) kneeling down on a stripper stage and so much other crazy shit that I was left wondering what psychedelic harboured these visions. The rest of the zine is filled with smaller comics done in a variety of drawing styles. There are actually four creators (Diamond, Jacobs, Lockerbie, and Jabbaz) and each, thankfully, has his own style. Please write or email to get your hands on this zine. Where else can you see the asses of the top four military men within the Nazi regime? Nowhere unless you get this zine. (Adam Vaughn)
comic, #2, 49 pgs, $5, Peter Diamond, Black Box Publishers, 2329 Hunter Street, Halifax, NS, B3K 4V7, [email protected]