With this issue, Macadam becomes free, in an impressive printing of 2000 copies. Its 44 pages are as crammed as possible with show and record reviews, interviews, articles and commentary covering the local punk, ska, and oi scenes, among others. The story behind the great new punk venue L’X is inspiring, the interview with the editor of France’s premier punk zine “Worst” is insightful, and the layout is about the best I’ve seen in this kind of zine. Neat little illustrations by Fidele Castree as well as impeccably scanned photos and graphics automatically give the impression that the punk scene in town is highly organized. Even if it actually isn’t, this zine will surely help get it that way. They also do an excellent job of connecting with what seems like every small town in Quebec, reviewing things from across the province and distributing themselves just about everywhere. Definitely some of the hardest-working kids in zines; now if only I were still young enough to go out thrashing. (LR)
#11, french, free plus post, P.O. Box 202, Station B, Montreal QC, H3B 3B0