Zayla was a semi-finalist at Christian’s 20,000 Poets Under The League Slam this past summer in Toronto and I swapped zines with her. This baby is packed with poetry, most of which is written by Zayla herself. A lot of the text has been shrunk down considerably, making these sixteen pages brim with text and image. Subway Stops is a cut-up style fiction piece with bits of what appear to be discount store erotica, sprawling throughout Zayla’s own text. Sex@Thirty-One ends with: “as you push your penis on my skin/grate against my reptile fin”. Others are long rant/collage prose poems which blend nicely. Complimenting the text are photocopied journal entries and naked people riding bicycles. On the back is a phrase index from an AIDS awareness groups called “sharing fluids.” The long and narrow poems are worth skimming for stand out lines. (NGM)
$3, #1, poetry zine, 16 pgs, Zayla Weedz, c/o TSP 312 Cosburn Ave. Toronto, ON M4J 2M7, [email protected]