First, I must comment on the last review of this zine, which the author has taken exception to. The opinion of the last reviewer as quoted by Anthony is that mwbl is self-indulgent. His rebuttal is that the very nature of zines is self-indulgent, as are all art forms. I will grant him this as fact, though I believe that personal expression for consumption by others is fantastic, as long as it is creative, thought provoking, and challenges one’s preconceptions. I find that this zine does none of the above. I have no desire to hear about a stranger’s recollection of his most recent and vivid dream, especially when I can’t connect it to a personality. Dream interpretation is intriguing when you know the person on a somewhat intimate basis. Otherwise it is just random nonsense from the unconscious mind that should best be left to the one having the dream. Dream interpretations do not comprise the majority of the zine however. Most of it is filled with musings on life. There is an in-depth interview with “Les Savy Fav” that is quite well done and music reviews which are also good. I recommend picking up this zine if you are interested in this kind music and want to discover more bands within the same genre. (Jay Joshi)