Nice Boys Club

What a treat! Each page is a photo of someone with a quotation beneath it. All the photos were obviously taken in one evening, at a party, by the looks of it. All the quotes are answers to a question the (unidentified) zine-maker posed, which, as readers, we are not privy to. In some cases the questions are easily extrapolated as people are naming favourite bands, food, people, and articles of clothing. In other cases the one-liners seem out of context and offer little clues, like Rhea’s quote of “no, not in body.” The pictures are engaging and well taken. The zine as a whole is a pretty little package. Although it does feel inside-jokish and will only make sense to folks in East Vancouver, where almost everyone photographed here is recognizable. Overall, really cute, and proves that a good zine doesn’t have to be a huge project that takes a long time or has a lot to say; it can be as simple as taking pictures of people at a party and printing them. (Krisztina Kun)

Art zine, Anonymous, 36 pgs., $3,