Notebook Comix
I’ve been reading zines all morning, still hungover from the worst flu I’ve ever had, and though I’ve tried to do a fair and respectable job, I have to admit that I don’t think I’ve said a single interesting, profound or meaningful thing. But Kyla’s mellow zine has made me feel better about my total lack of insight. I mean, Kyla doesn’t try for insight. She just comes right out and says it. Relationships are like a leaky air mattress. Certain people are bicycle cursed. She eats poorly. She once got locked out of her apartment. Basically, what Kyla does is tell little vignettes about her life, and illustrate them with little sketches. The stories aren’t very important. But so what. We can’t always be important. Just getting on with the job is alright too. (HN)
zine, #2, Kyla Sweet, $2, PO Box 19146, Vancouver, BC, V6K 4R8