Published by the University of New Brunswick, Qwerty is an impressive bi-annual litzine that holds an array of fascinating and fantastic writing. Short fiction like “Roberta’s Stripes” by Louise Osborn and “Meterology” by Amy Jones punctuate the imagination with beautiful details in mundane and adverse situations. Graphic poems, like Daniel Tysdal’s “Beyond the Private Life of a Fingerprint,” and “Self-portrait (Language Lives Inside Me)” by Kevin McPherson Eckhoff create halting landscapes across the pages, offering nice breaks between the short fiction. By including some commentary from a few of this issue’s contributors, insight is given into what inspired certain pieces and adds to the reading experience. Not that the words on these pages aren’t already immediate enough. (Liz Worth)
Litzine, #20, 68 pgs, c/o UNB English Department, PO Box 4400, Frederiction, NB, E3B 5A3, [email protected]