Radio Free Elvis
Another fine effort from the hip nostalgiasts behind Radio Free Elvis. This thing has it all. An illustrated story by Chris Hutsul concerning his five year stint doing ten minute oil changes and the scum he met there. Several great strange comics including Children of the Bacon and Home Crucifixion kit, and some excellent collage works including the seminal I’ll Kick Your Ass White Boy. But what I really like about RFE is that it has a kind of moral texture: it isn’t just a hodgepodge, it’s a zine about the impossibility of youth, the naivete of free expression, lost moments, lost lives. Maybe I’m reading into it a little too much. But maybe I’m not. Everything in this zine confers a nostalgic patina of sadness, a longing that is conveyed in abstract collages, bizarre cartoons and long gone days at the garage. (HN)
zine, #3, $1, Michael Comeau, 5 Parker Ct., Barrie, ON, L4N 2A6