Realm: Creating Work [You] Want
I had the highest hopes for Realm, I mean “Emm Gryner Takes On The Music Biz” is on the cover! I guess Realm didn’t let me down, completely. I was disappointed by the content-to-advertisement ratio (even some of the articles read like ads.) I was intrigued by the semi-confessional article on honey-throated Emm G., with her own record label called Dead Daisy Records. I recently saw her perform at the Hillside Festival in Guelph and loved her stuff. While the entire concept for the magazine, “creating work you want” seemed rife with possibility, and anti-establishment potential, I felt this incarnation of it kinda fizzled. It was a bit like a government sponsored “Let’s Get Our Youth To Work” initiative. To be fair, I read the entire issue, cover to cover, and would certainly pick up a future issue to read during a long commute or while waiting for a dentist’s appointment. (EPW)