
What would you get if you crossed William Shakespeare with Hans Christian Andersen? Ian Whistle. Whistle’s poems give new insight into the tales of Little Red, Rapunzel, Six Swans and Briar Rose: “neither Sleeping nor Beaut, new nom de plume/in the slope of humbler beginnings. Sweet Sixteen,/and not yet piss’t. Who clued/the keener pleasures of lust, nurtur’d/in a cabin so, three women/and shield of trees, maiden, natron, crone?/Her hands soon ripped from that Kindly place, finger’d a prick and she’s down.” (KS)

chapbook, 8 pages / main creator: Ian Whistle / publisher: above/ground press / $1 / c/o Rob Mclennan, R.R.#1, Maxville, ON, K0C 1T0

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