Resources for Radicals

Need some activist info? Resources for Radicals is a comprehensive list of books and periodicals about a range of topics such as civil disobedience, co-op management, union organizing, meeting facilitation, feminism, anti-poverty activism and the peace movement. This is the shit, everything under the sun’s in here – from Nonviolent Activist (the mag) to Look Out Whitey! Black Power’s Gon’ Get Your Mama (the book by Julius Lester). It’s a really useful undertaking of Toronto’s Brian Burch, and the only such publication of its kind. Unfortunately, all the books are listed alphabetically by author, and there’s no index, so unless you have time to look through the entire book, or know the author’s name, it’s kind of difficult to find things. Hopefully, the third edition will have an index, or else be organized by subject as well as author. (EPW)

annotated bibliography, 2nd edition, $22, Toronto Action for Social Change (TASC), PO Box 73620, 509 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON, M6C 1C0

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