Review: Celluloid Lunch #6

Celluloid Lunch #6
Music fanzine, Joe Chamandy (editor), 136 pgs,, $15

It can’t be easy to put this zine together regularly; it’s as thick as a car’s instruction manual. Editing for brevity is clearly not a Celluloid Lunch policy.

Band interviews make up the bulk of this Montreal fanzine. Though they tend to go on a few pages longer than they need to (you’re getting the whole life story on some of these acts), the questions — and answers — are often thoughtful and insightful. That result is surprising, considering most of the interviewers appear to either be friends of the musicians or die- hard fans. Interview subjects include: Chris Burns (formerly of Terminal Sunglasses and Bubblegum Army), Portland punk band Collate, Indiana free-jazz collective Crazy Doberman, and well-travelled rock guitarist Kid Congo Powers. Several of the interviews include exhaustive discographies — a useful tool for further exploration.

Record reviews and shorter prose and poetry entries fill the remainder of this zine, along with striking and weird original artwork from several contributors. It’s unfortunately a pain to try and find names for the illustrations. There’s a table of contents of sorts that lists most (not all) pages and contributor names, but the zine’s pages aren’t numbered.

Celluloid Lunch 6 comes with a flexi-disc of an unreleased single from Bubblegum Army. There’s a Celluloid Lunch record label tied to the zine that has a number of recordings under its belt, from predominantly Quebec, Ontario, and Maritime musicians.