
Revolted starts off by letting us know of the enormous chip the author is carrying on his shoulder. Having just been eliminated from a major bookstore, visited India, and being tear-gassed in Quebec, the author intends to break it down corporate-style. Using an employee manual (he’s blacked out his previous employer’s name), Rob explains his feelings for wanting to be part of something more than a capitalist machine based on a pyramid scheme. His account of the riots in Quebec show a genuine willingness and need to try and whack out the bottom of that pyramid so that it will all topple down – much like Jenga. But it’s not all Snakes and Ladders. Rob goes into a eulogy for a band that might never have even really existed: rage against the machine. He also includes a diatribe on left-wing lyrics and major label ducats, and the point about who gets to learn what about the system and at what cost. (Michelle Emmanuel)

zine, #2, free, full size zine, 23 pages, c/o Rob Rao, 10 Russet Ave., Toronto, On., M6H 3M3

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