Riot is just as it states: A riot. Issue #1 is jam-packed with interviews, album reviews, a music history lesson and, my personal favourite, the top 10 things that have pissed Liz off lately. I agree with the first one: Going to a show and having an extremely tall guy, trying to squeeze into that small space right in front of you. It happens to me all the time, especially since I am only 5’1″ tall, it generally ends up with me asking the person, nicely at first, to move in front of someone taller, to which they reply with a blank stare, then I get pissed and they move. Also, I enjoyed her griping about dating would-be musicians, and somehow I’m sure she’s had her heart broken. Face it, most men are scum, especially if they need to have a guitar in their hands to maintain a sense of self. I mean really, what does a guitar symbolize but an overgrown penis? And we all know men, like babies sucking on a pacifier, become satiated with their dicks in their hands. (Lara Atkins)
Music zine, 28 pages, Liz Worth, free,157 Delta Street, Toronto, ON, M8W 4E4, [email protected]