SMUT is smart porn. Which is such a rarity, and such a relief. That isn’t to say that it isn’t fun or hot; it certainly contains lots of neat stuff and plenty of steamy stuff too. And perhaps one of the best attributes of SMUT is that is contains a wide spectrum of sexualities…and contains them within its pages with ease. The current issue does not disappoint. Featuring interviews with Annie Sprinkle and Wendy-O-Matik, a guide for newcummers to anal sex, tremendous photography by David Findlay and Christine Ablett, this issue balances the sexy with the shocking, the sexually informative with the sexually inventive. Also included are SMUT’s signature selections of fiction. Its not often you’ll find a magazine that is both intellectually stimulating and totally wank-worthy at the same time. And you really can tell others that you’re “reading it for the articles.” (John Pressick)
issue 5, CharltonBowers Inc/JenBowers, sex zine, P.O. Box 90083, 1488 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6K 1L0