Sparks & Fusion

Matt Payne edits the inaugural issue of Sparks & Fusion, an enjoyable little DIY litzine collecting works from a group of Payne’s friends. Part of S&F’s mission is to include an explanation of each author’s inspiration alongside each piece –a successful concept when taken seriously by the writers. As for the writing, this is fairly standard bedroom lit stuff–poetry, art, and tidbit fiction, mostly. At times this can spell out mediocrity: Jo Nicholson breaking down her May activities day-by-day swerves predictably into self-indulgence, Andrew Mackenzie’s Snoop Dogg opus is as enjoyable as glaucoma, and excerpts of Jennifer Dumoulin’s academic paper don’t quite “pump my nads.” Fortunately, however, this is–for the most part–a pretty solid collection. JK’s fiction is engaging if vague, Caitlin Soch’s Facebook zombies rant is quite funny, and Crystal Peel’s art is a pleasure to take in. Definitely give this a look if you get the chance. (Michael Tau)

litzine, Matt Payne (editor), issue 1, [email protected],