From The Eclectic Screening Room: “Today, surrogate companionship is more prevalent than ever, but it has the intimacy of an iron nipple that feeds a calf. Let’s be honest – who cares about the late show anymore? Who is watching? In the age of computer video games, downloading from the Internet, seeing Anthony Robbins with the same suit every night, and getting voicemail instead of a live person on the phone, it is no wonder we’re becoming just as impersonal as the machine. But at least I can remember a genuine feeling of community – knowing that I was sharing something with an actual human being on the other side of the screen.” This zine is filled with nostalgia for a variety of defunct cinemas, scrutiny of a few choice pieces and brief filmographies. The Eclectic Screening Room trundles happily from movie to movie as the author decries the loss of true olde-tyme cult movies. This cine-luddite longs for the glory days of the Grade-Z flicks, and his analysis nicely straddles the line between total deconstruction and the sit-there-and-watch it school of thought. (Alex Boger)
zine, Issues #1-3, 40 pages, $3 each, Greg Woods, Box #92505, Carlton R.P.O., Toronto, M5A4N9