In “The Elephant and the Little Giant,” we are taken on an incredible journey that starts off in a rather mundane manner: the narrator of this futuristic fable answers an ad calling for someone to chaperone a giant mechanical elephant. When he accepts the gig, he finds himself getting involved in a phantasmagorical French production that would put Cirque du Soleil to shame, complete with rocket ships, gentle child- catchers, giant scooters, and a robotic girl–-who happens to be an amazing dancer, oh by the way! The story is told in a matter-of-fact way, with life-like details enhanced by explanatory footnotes (‘the shoes needed to be bolted –‘ oh, ok, now I get it!) and reading John Ellingsworth’s tale, I have no problem believing that it is all true. All it takes is a little bit of imagination, and the desire to travel to faraway worlds. (Andree Lachapelle)
John Ellingsworth, 89 Burdett Road, Bow, London, E3 4JN, [email protected]