The Hell’s Half-Acre Herald

The last page asks the rhetorical question “who says that urban horticulture has to be boring?” True, it doesn’t have to be, but The Hell’s Half-Acre Herald unfortunately misses the mark when it comes to bringing excitement to city gardening. It does provide bits of intriguing information on caring for carnivorous plants and may appeal to some readers based on this fact alone. Needlessly though, writer Paul Riddell peppers the zine with ill-advised attempts at humour, relying on cheesy photos and general groaners that pilfer overused pop culture references (be sure to skip “The rules of garden club”). Add the fact that its layout mimics that of a newsletter, and all you’re left with is a zine of wasted potential. (Andrew Robinson)

zine, Paul Riddell, 5930-E Royal Lane, #140, Dallas, Texas, 75230, USA,